south africa
Apartheid is a cancer that must be exterminated: Radio Havana Cuba interview with Thomas Sankara

Apartheid is a cancer that must be exterminated: Radio Havana Cuba interview with Thomas Sankara

Liberation School introduction The original French text, available here, is a transcription of an oral interview, and it is clear that the person doing the transcription was unsure of a few of the formulations. We therefore did our best to render the text as coherent...

It was the CIA that helped jail Nelson Mandela

It was the CIA that helped jail Nelson Mandela

Today is Nelson Mandela's 95th birthday, but forget the crocodile tears from the U.S. government about Mandela's poor health. Imperialist diplomacy with all of its sugar-coated phrases is nothing more than a form of historical perjury. Nelson Mandela’s arrest in 1962,...