Gentrification is the systematic process of displacing poor people from a community and replacing them with more affluent people, all in the interest of profit. It has become a primary local policy of the representatives of the ruling class and is clearly carried out...
More than survival: the struggle for women’s healthcare
Since the somewhat surprising election of Donald Trump, the Trump administration, the Republican Party and other reactionary forces have been salivating over the destruction of the Affordable Care Act. While the ACA is limited in what it actually provides and will not...
No Borders in the Women’s Liberation Struggle
There are millions of immigrant workers in the United States. The United States economy is entirely dependent on the work of immigrant and U.S.-born workers alike. All workers must work to survive. Workers are not paid the full value of their labor, and that is the...
Claudia Jones: revolutionary feminist and fighter
Claudia Jones was a revolutionary communist and anti-colonial activist. Born Claudia Vera Cumberbatch on Feb. 21, 1915, in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, Jones spent her life fighting for the liberation of the workers of the world. She was outspoken on issues of race and...
The Bread and Roses strike of 1912
As we come marching, marching in the beauty of the day, A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill lofts gray, Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses, For the people hear us singing: “Bread and roses! Bread and roses!” — Bread and Roses by...
Strengthening the women’s movement through anti-racism
Centuries of slavery, Jim Crow segregation, and institutionalized discrimination have deepened the divide between Black and white families. When it comes to low-wage work, 64 percent of women are employed in low-wage jobs compared to 34 percent of men. White women are...
A Marxist perspective on ending women’s oppression
Sexism is so endemic today that it can be difficult to imagine a society that does not degrade and devalue women. Modern capitalist society is a form of class society, and in today’s capitalist society women face sexism everywhere we turn — within our own homes and...