Marxist Theory
Revolutionary Friedrich Engels at 200

Revolutionary Friedrich Engels at 200

Today the world is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Engels, renowned across the globe as one of the greatest revolutionaries and theorists to ever live. Engels, who along with Karl Marx founded the modern communist movement, was born on...

PSL Course: Marx’s “Capital” (vol. 1)

PSL Course: Marx’s “Capital” (vol. 1)

Course description: The first volume of Karl Marx's Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, which was originally published in 1867, remains a key resource for understanding the logic of capitalism to this day. Marx wrote the book--which was the only volume of...

The Marxist Doctrine: An overview by Lenin

The Marxist Doctrine: An overview by Lenin

Editor's note: To commemorate the 202nd anniversary of Karl Marx's birth, we republish Lenin's overview of Marxist theory, "The Marxist Doctrine." It is part of an entry on Marx that Lenin wrote in 1914 for the Granat Encyclopedic Dictionary, and serves as a clear and...