Liberation Audio · Social media and democratic centralism: Opportunities and challenges Editor's note: The following is an edited version of an internal document initially written in late 2015 and formed part of the basis for party-wide discussions in the Party for...
The Leninist party in history and present
Editor's note: This essay examines the theory and practice of the Leninist party from the time of Lenin until today. We turn to Lenin's key writings and to the history of Bolshevism and the international communist movement to delineate the distinctiveness of the...
Interview with Gloria La Riva: ‘the fog of anti-communism is lifting’
Republished from Independent Political Report Gloria Estela La Riva, a labor, community, and anti-war activist based in San Francisco, is running for president under the Party for Socialism and Liberation banner. Peter B. Gemma: I appreciate your time for this...
Theory and revolution: Addressing the break of ideological continuity
Editor's note: This document was initially circulated within our Party in advance of our 3rd Party Congress in April 2016 — and publicly released in September 2016. It addresses the historical and contemporary relationship between revolutionary theory and...
A time to revive socialism in the United States: report on the PSL’s Third Party Congress
The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) held its Third Party Congress April 1-3, 2016, in San Francisco, California. Per the Constitution of the PSL, the Party Congress is the highest body of the Party. It is fundamentally responsible for the maintenance, defense...
Reviving the communist movement: Building organization in 2016
Editor's note: The following is part of an internal document circulated by the Central Committee of the PSL in advance of our 3rd Party Congress in 2016. Here, we focus on ways that communist organizations have historically grown in strength, size, and...
PSL’s response to the ISO’s “Twenty years after Tiananmen”
This article was first published on June 15, 2009 in response to an article published a week earlier in the now-defunct International Socialist Organization's newspaper, Socialist Worker. In that article, Dennis Kosuth treats the epic Chinese Revolution with extreme...
From rage to rebellion — to revolution
This statement is being distributed in the streets of Ferguson and St. Louis. All the politicians are calling for calm and peace. Fighting back in the streets, they say, accomplishes nothing. They say the people have to work within the system to bring about change....
Winning the battle against anti-communism
The capitalists’ ideological weapon against the working class In 2012, the dictionary site Merriam-Webster announced that the words most looked up that year were “socialism” and “capitalism.” This was undoubtedly because the Republican Party had spent so much time...