This article was originally published in Liberation News, July 10th, 2024. Taking down the “Soviet Menace” in America, was, as we saw in part 1 [1], not a response to any real “national security threat,” but a very real threat to corporate profits and neocolonial...
Socialism an integral part of U.S. labor history
In celebration of International Workers Day or May Day Liberation School is republishing "Socialism an integral part of U.S. history" by Eugene Puryear. Originally published in 2010 as a response to the mobilization of anti-communist propaganda against Obama to paint...
Whose lessons? Which direction?
Introduction As obituaries for neoliberalism pile up on our nightstands and Antonio Gramsci’s adage that the old is dying and the new cannot be born appears newly profound, we turn to the past for direction. What successes should guide us? What can we learn from our...