Nota del equipo editorial: Esta es una traducción del artículo “The Class Struggle in Every Commodity: Use Value and Exchange Value“, puede encontrar la versión original aquí. Introducción Cada año, Pew Research publica un estudio sobre las prioridades políticas de la...
The class struggle in every commodity: Use value and exchange value
Editor’s note: A Spanish translation of this article is available here. Introduction Every year, Pew Research publishes a study on the U.S. population’s political priorities. Their 2024 report shows that, like the previous years, “no single issue stands out after the...
“Karl Marx:” A biography by Engels
Karl Marx was born 205 years ago today, on May 05, 1818. Friedrich Engels published this biography of Marx in 1869, while Marx was still alive [1]. In 1868, Engels submitted an earlier version to Die Gartenlaube, a magazine focusing on teaching history in accessible...
Studying society for the working class: Marx’s first preface to “Capital”
Introduction In the preface to the first edition of volume one of Capital, dated July 25, 1867, Marx introduces the book’s “ultimate aim": “to lay bare the economic law of motion of modern society” [1]. Looking back 155 years later, it’s clear the book not only...
Clarifying and inspiring revolution for 130 years: Marx’s “Critique of the Gotha Programme”
Karl Marx never intended to spell out what the communist future would look like or how we would get there. His writing that comes closest to doing this is a short letter he wrote in 1875, given the title Critique of the Gotha Programme. Published 130 years ago—in...
Reading Capital with Comrades: A Liberation School podcast series
Liberation School is proud to release our new podcast series, "Reading Capital with Comrades." The series--which is now available on Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, and other platforms--not only makes the first volume of Karl Marx's Capital accessible to a new...