Editor's note: This is the second entry in our two-part series on the politics of Salsa, the first of which was published on the 50th anniversary of the famous Fania All-Stars concert, “Live at Yankee Stadium.” Introduction Any discussion of the politics of Salsa has...
Dancing in the streets: When Salsa’s Clave was the pulse of the movement (pt. 1)
Note: This is the first in a two-part series on the history and politics of Salsa in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the famous Fania All-Stars concert, "Live at Yankee Stadium." Introduction A crowd of 40,000 fans rushed onto the field of old Yankee Stadium in...
A victory for one is a victory for all: Lessons from “Trans Liberation”
Editorial note: Leslie Feinberg’s pronouns were “she/zie” and “her/hir." Introduction Trans liberation is squarely on the agenda of today’s movements for justice, as over 550 anti-trans bills were already introduced in state legislatures across the country this year....
Capital’s path to “Janus v. AFSCME:” An obstacle struggle will overcome
Series Introduction: Beginning with overturning Roe v. Wade, the ultra right-wing Supreme Court continues attacking hard-won and elementary democratic rights in the United States, from affirmative action to the Indian Child Welfare Act. The following article is the...
Toward a third Reconstruction: Lessons from the past for a socialist future
“The price...of slavery and civil war was the necessity of quickly assimilating into American democracy a mass of laborers...in whose hands alone for the moment lay the power of preserving the ideals of popular government...and establishing upon it an industry...
Afro-Asian solidarity: Building the multinational unity needed for liberation
Editor's note: The article was originally published in the Winter '21-'22 issue of Breaking the Chains magazine. During the summer of 2020, tens of millions of people took to the streets to participate in the largest uprising in this country’s history. From the...
Hammer and hoe: Alabama communists during the Great Depression
Robin D.G. Kelley first published Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Great Depression in 1990, although he began working on it as a doctoral student in the 1980s. In the book, Kelley narrates the emergence of the communist movement in Alabama during the...
Reading Kelley’s “Hammer and hoe” as organizers today
This article accompanies Liberation School's new study guide for Robin D.G. Kelley's, Hammer and Hoe. As the re-popularization of socialism continues, the practical lessons today’s organizers can learn from the history of the communist movement in the U.S. become...
Black struggle is class struggle: A 4-part PSL course
This four-part digital course focuses on Black Revolutionary History in the United States and its central role in the development of U.S. society today. Last summer, tens of millions of people took to the streets in an unprecedented revolt against racism and police...