National question
Nations and Soviets: The National Question in the USSR

Nations and Soviets: The National Question in the USSR

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on Liberation News on June 6, 2022. Skip to a section - The prison house of nations - Dawning of a new era - Socialism against oppression - Challenging changes - Towards a socialist future The past, as they say, is...

Black struggle is class struggle: A 4-part PSL course

Black struggle is class struggle: A 4-part PSL course

This four-part digital course focuses on Black Revolutionary History in the United States and its central role in the development of U.S. society today.  Last summer, tens of millions of people took to the streets in an unprecedented revolt against racism and police...

A Black Harlem communist speaks: Abner Berry 1-5

Editor’s Note: Liberation School continues our Black Communist History series with a transcription of an interview with Abner Berry. Berry edited the Harlem edition of The Daily Worker in the 1940s and 1950s. He was a founding member of Black Workers for Justice....

China, Tibet and U.S.-sponsored counterrevolution

China, Tibet and U.S.-sponsored counterrevolution

The following is a statement from the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Many U.S. progressives and liberals are supporting the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan opposition to the People’s Republic of China. So are George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, the CIA, and every...