Socialist reconstruction can be purchased here. Preface Discuss the case being made in the opening paragraphs of the Preface for the need to build socialist consciousness in the U.S. Why is it argued that Socialist Reconstruction is an unorthodox text within...
Lenin and the Path to Revolution: 3 Part Course with Brian Becker
This 3 part course with Brian Becker focuses on the life, and legacy of Lenin, the formation of Leninism, and the revolutionary paths it generated across the world. It was recorded in November and December of 2023. For those interested in further studying Lenin see...
Capitalist contradictions and revolutionary struggle: An introduction
Introduction Hearing or reading about the “contradictions of capitalism” in an article or at a rally might be intimidating, like a foreign language or a term only a certain group can understand. While the contradictions of capitalism are complicated, working and...
The “other September 11:” U.S. solidarity against the Chilean Coup
Introduction September 11, 2023 marked the 50th anniversary of the coup d’etat in Chile that overthrew socialist President Salvador Allende. Allende was the first president elected with a socialist program in the world and governed the country between 1970 and 1973....
50 years after the coup against Allende: Lessons from the Chilean revolutionary movement
This Liberation News article was originally published on September 11, 2023. Introduction In September 1970, Salvador Allende became the first Marxist president democratically elected with a socialist program of government. Today marks the 50th anniversary of his...
The U.S. state and the U.S. revolution
It is no exaggeration to say that the principal disputes between activists, organizations and political trends in U.S. social movements have hinged on different understandings of, and attitudes toward, the state. What distinguishes a revolutionary communist...
Clarifying and inspiring revolution for 130 years: Marx’s “Critique of the Gotha Programme”
Karl Marx never intended to spell out what the communist future would look like or how we would get there. His writing that comes closest to doing this is a short letter he wrote in 1875, given the title Critique of the Gotha Programme. Published 130 years ago—in...